OK, first of all, I don't know if Urban Outfitters is uncool - like, if it's a place where only teenagers shop or something, but I LOVE UO, especially the website which is really fun to browse. I'm putting the link to it at the bottom of this post, because if I put it here and you clicked on it, you would not come back here and read the rest of this post because you would waste hours looking at UO stuff and probably buy some doorknob-shaped curtain hanger things (in purple) or something and then it would come in the mail and you would be like, "I can't believe I spent $28.00 plus shipping on these two doorknob-shaped curtain hanger things (in purple) - stupid Lori and her misdirecting blog!" But then, within moments, you would be all, "You know what would go with these? Those Hibiscus Line Flower curtains on sale for $24.99 marked down from $34.00!" You may wish you lived in an urban loft where the walls were white-painted brick.
Anyway, I thought I would give you a little peek into my wishlist over at UO - just a few of the many urban hipster items I covet. I should point out that I doubt any of the clothes they sell would ever fit/look good on me, so I'm mainly choosing items from the "apartment" section. Here goes:
#1: Strawberry Roots Canvas by Masha D'yans
They sell art! This is a "painting" on canvas of a tree with strawberries for roots. Cute!
#2: Flowering Branch Tapestry
I would hang this on the ugly wall by my front door with the thermostat on it. I think it would go with my red couch.
#3: Midcentury Chair
I love this chair. This is the chair I've been looking for. It's the kind of chair that has hard wooden arms and legs but a soft cushy seat and back. Also, it's blue-green-gray colored. It's the perfect chair to put in the bedroom and leave your clothes on, but I also think it would look cute with my red couch (it's all about the red couch).
#4: Smurf Plush Figures
This isn't actually on my wishlist, but come on! Smurfs!
#5: Orange Crush Mini Amplifier
I will one day be rocking the ukulele with this orange mini-amp.
#6: Radiohead - OK Computer
I already own three hipster records from UO. This one has two of the three Radiohead songs I know. I think I would enjoy listening to almost all of the records they sell at UO.
#7: Things That Suck by Jason Kaplan
UO has several books that make you want to buy them and give them to your cool librarian gamer friends as gifts.
#8: Birds on a Branch Hook
I like birds. I mean, not real birds, they are kind of scary.
#9: Let's Hang Zipper Pulls (Pictured at the top of this blog entry)
I loved looking at these cute "in a box so you don't know which one you are going to get until you buy it" things in Japan, but I almost never actually bought them. I mean, they cost like 500 yen! I'm not dropping a big 500 yen coin for some little thing when I don't even know what it is. But these are cute, so I would not be averse to say, getting one as a gift (hint, hint).
#10: Sun Jar
Come on! It's a jar that you open up and put out in the sun and then at night it stays lit up with sun-power! That is cool. I'm taking my Sun Jar to Burning Man some day. I'm going to be rocking the orange mini-amped ukulele by the soft eerie jarred sunlight. It's way expensive at $45, but still - Sun Jar!
Also, I actually really do kind of want those doorknob hook thingies.
Go to Urban Outfitters.