Sunday, February 28, 2010

SNL: Jennifer Lopez

On Sundays I usually post the funniest clip from last night's SNL. The host/usical guest was Jennifer Lopez, so... here's Mark Wahlberg talking to animals.

Say "hi" to your mother for me.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Life is Bigger than You, and You are not Me!

I've probably mentioned before that my favorite movie is director Tarsem's The Fall starring Lee Pace. Before directing movies like The Fall and The Cell, Tarsem was best known as a music video director and a director of television commercials. Critics don't always love his movie work, but his visuals never fail to impress!

This site has gathered together some of his best commericals as YouTube clips for you to watch.

I am including this link of perhaps his most famous music video, REM's "Losing my Religion", (for which he won an MTV Video Award) and this picture from The Fall, which first got me excited to see it:

Now, you do your part and go add The Fall to your Netflix queue!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Clocky Update

For my previous post about Clocky the alarm clock, go here.

So, Clocky finally arrived and it pretty much worked like it said. Will it replace my old clock radio? Probably not. There are a few problems that keep Clocky from being the perfect alarm clock for me.

First, Clocky has to face the direction that he is going to jump. So, for example, I can't have the clock face me (so I can see the time) because it has to face the other direction (if it was facing me, then when it jumped off the nightstand, it would hit the bed).

Second, I have a rug on the floor next to my nightstand. It looks nice. The brown carpet in my room is ugly. Clocky doesn't work on the fluffy rug. I don't want to get rid of my rug and I don't want to pull it up every night and put it back every morning.

I think I might get Clocky out for special occasions (when I have to get up REALLY early), but he won't become my everyday alarm clock.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Small Wonder, The Burg, Timmy O., Veggies, & Monkeys

Here are a few short, recent odds and ends I wanted to let you in on:
  • This long review of the the old TV show Small Wonder (I remember talking about this show with a friend of mine once and we seemed to be the only people who remembered it) made me laugh.
  • Good news if you like Andy Samburg (I do) and/or the show Parks and Rec (it's OK).
  • I just recently saw an ad for a new TV show on the FX network called Justified. It stars Timothy Olyphant in a cowboy hat! Set your DVRs for Tuesday, March 16th. Yay!
  • If you're interested, I found some quick and easy vegetarian meal ideas and recipes here.
  • And finally, here's a picture of a monkey eating a popsicle:

Have a great weekend!

Friday, February 12, 2010

Daniel V.

This is Daniel Vosovic.

I just love him. You should totally buy his book, Fashion Inside Out, which is cool (but has a kind of weird fuzzy cover). It's available on, or you can find it at an indie bookstore near you!

I really just wanted to put a picture of him on my blog.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Fist Fight in the Parking Lot

I almost chose the Rahm Emmanuel apology as the best SNL skit of the week, but Band Reunion at the Wedding just edged it out (bonus points for having Dave Grohl).


I just ordered one of these Clocky alarm clocks from

Clocky is an alarm clock that rolls off your table and drives away into hiding if you don't wake up. It makes an annoying noise (apparently, it sounds like R2D2) and in order to turn it off, you'll have to get up and find where it went.

I'm hoping this will help me get up on time in the mornings. I'll let you know how it works.

Mission Impossible V: Rogue Nation

I am re-watching all of the Mission Impossible films. Here are my thoughts on MI:5: Why wasn't Jeremy Renner in Fallout? Does he die i...