My fingers are crossed for Flight of the Conchords...
I will update this blog entry during commercial breaks. Feel free to leave any comments!
- NPH is wearing a white jacket and singing.
- Yay! for Joan from Mad Men!
- Man, Kevin Kline is looking old.
- Catch Me if You Can is coming to Broadway?
- Why are people always making fun of LOST for not really having a theme song?
- Jon Hamm in a tux!!
- Lady Blazers!
- Vanessa Williams won't wear stupid glasses. That was actually probably a good idea.
- I'm not a big fan of Kristen Chenowith, but I liked Pushing Daisies. Actually, I'm not sure that I really liked Pushing Daisies, but I watched it. I like Lee Pace, but mostly from The Fall and that show about the talking statues at Niagara Falls.
- Go Flight of the Conchords for writing... (fingers crossed)...
- Dang.
- Why are awards shows still doing things with the internet as if the internet is new and it's cutting edge to show YouTube videos and have online polls?
- Go Jack McBrayer...
- Dang again. What is up with Ducky's weird stripy vest?
- Justin Timberlake wears glasses? (I like his white tie).
- I like Christina Applegate, even though I never watched her show.
- Sarah Silverman has a mustache.
- And Toni Collette won. (At least it wasn't that chick from Weeds).
- What is up with the weird names those kids from Gossip Girl have?
- FotC loses again :(
- Rob Lowe would have been on Grey's Anatomy instead of the guy from the pizza-delivery- boy-turns-gigolo movie from the 80's?
- Go Jemaine... (my mom wants Jim Parsons to win)
- And Alec Baldwin wins. Sorry, Mom.
- Kathy Griffin!! :)
- Go Heidi Klum...
- and it's Jeff Probst. I seem to be bad luck.
- I was hoping Project Runway would win, but my mom likes The Amazing Race. She just called me. She has never heard of Mad Men (!)
- I liked Little Dorritt.
- Was that a clip from Wallander I just saw?
- What ARE half these mini-series/movies?
- I just added Grey Gardens to my Netflix queue.
- That reminds me, it's my sister's birthday. Happy birthday, Sis!
- I like Brendan Gleeson just fine, but you know I was pulling for Wallander and Kenny B.
- You know what hurts? Practicing guitar all day and then cutting a peach. (That doesn't have anything to do with the Emmys, but I'm eating a peach).
- Go Andrew Davies!...
- Yay! Someone I know won something... but he is not there. Dang.
- People who actually know anything about Dr. Horrible, was that funny?
- Congrats to Jessica Lange for not wearing one of those horrible long-sleeved gowns that some older ladies wear (I'm looking at you, Glenn Close).
- Drew Barrymore is so cute and I love that she's dating the Mac guy.
- I like the (pink?) dress the lady from Fringe is wearing.
- Great. Now Grey Gardens is going to have "long wait" next to it on Netflix.
- Oh! The director of GG is wearing the white knot! :)
- Are only two miniseries nominated? Anyway, Little Dorritt won. Way to kick the butt of that other mini series.
- I have a Halloween wig that looks EXACTLY like the hair of that blonde from that show about the nerds. Just FYI.
- The Conan writer's facebook ignore thing was funny! The Billy Crystal thing was cute, too.
- Go Kiv and Jorm!...
- and SNL does not win. So so far Andrew Davies won for writing Little Dorritt, and Little Dorritt won and that's about it for my picks.
- Go "Carol Brown"!!!!! She needs to take that Emmy right onto the bus out of town!...
- Man! I just can't win. Just for the record, Flight of the Conchords is an awesome show and The Lonely Island guys rock.
- That new Ricky Gervais movie actually looks watchable. I vote for Ricky Gervais as best dressed, by the way!
- I just saw Mindy Kaling! You look great, Mindy! I love your blog.
- I can't still vote for Breakthrough Performance of the Year because I live on the west coast and the voting is already closed. Also, the show is taped here on the west coast. Where Hollywood is. I'm just saying.
- I haven't finished watching the last season of Lost yet, so I hope they don't show any spoilers.
- Go John Slattery...
- Well, Michael Emmerson is cool, too. I'm happy for him. He seems like a genuine guy.
- I like Rose Byrne. You don't need an Emmy, Rose, you were in Marie Antoinette!
- Ah, Sarah McLachlan is singing... it makes me want to donate to the ASPCA.
- I'm not going to make a list of dead people I like, but McGoohan was just the coolest.
- Did I mention I'm on the west coast?
- OK, Stephen Moyer vs. David Boreanaz? Chime in in the comments.
- Those Mad Men writers who started making out were funny.
- The best hair tonight goes to Johnny Slat.
- Ooh, Simon Baker is in The Affair of the Necklace? I've had that in my Netflix cue for... well, for as long as I've had Netflix. I hear it's terrible.
- Did you know that Marishka Hargatay used to do those creepy little girl beauty pageants ala Toddlers and Tiaras when she was a kid? Also, I don't know how to spell Marishka Hargatay.
- Go Elizabeth Moss...
- And, of course, Miss Moss loses to Glenn Close's long-sleeved dress.
- I have to go to bed in 18 minutes.
- Dana Delaney is wearing Justin Timberlake's glasses.
- I love Jon Hamm, Hugh Laurie, and Michael C. Hall...
- So, of course, Bryan Cranston wins.
- The final two awards are here!
- So, the nominees for Best Comedy Series are: 30 Rock, Entourage, Family Guy, Flight of the Conchords, How I Met Your Mother, The Office, and Weeds (in bold are the shows I like).
- The winner is 30 Rock. I was rooting for FotC. They didn't win anything tonight, but they may have won something at the Schmemmys, I'll have to look it up online. Isn't the internet great? They should mention it more on awards shows.
- Sigourney Weaver looks great.
- The Drama nominees are: Big Love, Breaking Bad, Damages, Dexter, House, Lost, and Mad Men (I like the ones in bold).
- The winner is Mad Men! Christina Hendricks, I love you! Everyone looks great. Mad Men really is a fantastic show - I'll have to get my mom to start watching it.
- And it's only 3 minutes past my bed time.
Thanks for hanging in there with me for my first live blog. I enjoyed watching the Emmys with you!
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