I discovered it when I was looking to join a book club and I found not only a really cool book club that meets once a month (and chooses books democratically that are NOT on the Oprah list) but also a film club (once a month we go to the local independant/foreign film art house theatre) a ladies' social club (we're going to a haunted house!) and a yoga-in-the-park class!
Meetup.com is a website where you can search for local special interest groups and activities based on interests or location (I searched only for groups within 10 miles of my city). If you live in Jacksonville Florida (zip code 32241), for example, you can join:
The Jacksonville Shetland Dog Meetup Group
The "Going Green" Small Business Forum
The Jacksonville Single Moms Support Group
Argentine Tango Group Classes
The Jacksonville Horror Movies Fan Group
The Florida Xtreme Racing Club
and more... all within 5.5 miles of the city center!
So go there now, join the local book club and get started! There's no book club near your city? Start one yourself! I'm thinking of starting a Meat Free Monday dining club!
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