This is the second in a series of movie reviews where I recommend some of my favorite films and TV shows that are available to watch instantly on Netflix.
"How did you die?"
"On stage, like you."
One of my favorite films is Albert Brooks' Defending Your Life (with Meryl Streep). I first saw it as a kid on one of those weekends when you got HBO for free... you know what I mean? They would show the same three movies over and over again. I watched this one more than once.
Defending Your Life is about... well, I don't think it's a spoiler to tell you that it's about a man who dies. It basically takes place in the afterlife. I'll leave it up to you to discover what happens in this version of the afterlife, along with protagonist Daniel Miller. While it might not be what you think, the movie is a complete joy from beginning to end. I will spoil one good thing about being dead - you can eat whatever you want, as much as you want, and you don't feel bad or get fat!
This film is unlike any other film I've ever seen. When there are several movies about the afterlife, this one is actually funny and charming! Brooks is in high form and there is a cute wink wink cameo by Shirley MacLaine. Here is a picture:

This is just one of those movies you look at on the Netflix instant list and think, "Is this going to be any good?" but unlike most of the films, this one actually IS good! I promise you will not only smile, but it will also make you think. It's a great film to watch with others - have a laugh and a lively debate at the same time!
If you enjoyed this film (or not) feel free to leave comments!
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