Thursday, September 12, 2013

Project Runway Season 12 Episode 9 Live Blog

It's the Bell challenge. Here we go!

"Helen's gown is like the 60s threw up." - Alexander

So the designers must create a day or night look For the modern southern woman. They get to start out by having brunch, but soon Tim arrives and they head off to Mood.

Bradon Is worried because he and Alexander both got plaid fabric. He doesn't want another Miranda plaid pants fiasco.

Several of the designers got silk prints.


Helen is making a sunflower yellow dress with lace. She asks, "what southern woman wouldn't want" this dress. It does not look good.

Alexandria also has a plaid fabric but it does not look good either.

Tim's tie looks like Braden's print.

Tim comes in to see how everyone's doing. Some people are doing well and others (like Alexandria) need a lot of help. She has this Bohemian thing going on. It's not exactly the modern southern woman.


Is it me or does this episode seem to be going really fast?

Ken takes a moment to talk to his mom about his anger issues, etc. is this supposed to make us think he is getting auf'd tonight? Based on the dresses so far, I would say it should be Helen leaving, but then she has won three times, so the judges must know something I don't.

Everyone is talking about how much work they still have to do in the morning.

Wait, did the third commercial break already happen?

It's makeup and hair time everyone rushes to the runway.


The celebrity guest judge is Stacy Keibler. Also, I forgot to mention that the winning design will be sold on

Runway Time!

First up is Ken. As a modern southern man, he figures he's a lock:

Helen's hippy sunflower frock is next. Heidi doesn't look impressed.

Justin's is a little too simple:

I like Alexander's look, but it doesn't look very southern:

Alexandria's is see through and awkward:

Bradon's look. A lot of them look the same.

Dom's model actually looks southern to me, but I do not like this dress:

Jeremy's model looks like the modern southern grandmother of the bride:

Kate's print is a little too bold. I can't get a good picture, but the big bright print, the length, and the volume of the skirt make it look very much like a doll dress. The styling is good, though. Very southern.

The three safe designers are Alexandria (really?), Justin, and Helen. Helen is pissed that she is not in the top.


The three top designers are Bradon, Kate (but Heidi thought the model looked pregnant), and Alexander.

The bottom three are Jeremy, Ken (who gives Heidi a mean look, she calls him on it, and he says literally nothing), and Dom. Weird that Dom and Ken, who are from the South, are both in the bottom.

Look, we all saw in the preview that Heidi sends at least some of the designers back to the workroom for the "first time in PR history," so is it just going to be for the bottom three or what? Well, yes.


So the winner is Bradon. Let's all go to (but I do not look good in a shirt dress, so no thanks).

Jeremy, Ken, and Dom are sent back to the workroom and given one hour, a fellow designer to help, and access to any fabric in the workroom! Fun! Start over with Helen's yellow fabric if you can!

Ken is changing his original dress by making it shorter, while Dom and Jeremy completely start over. Does this bode ill for Ken?

The new dresses are...



Heidi loves Dom's dress and says if she saw it in a Belk store, she would buy it. Posen says she would have won if she showed this dress first. Can they make Bradon's AND Dom's?

So who will get kicked off?


They're going to sell Dom's dress, too!! Yay! Does that count as another win for Helen (since she was Dom's assistant)?

Jeremy is out (I would have auf'd Ken for his attitude).

Next week's show looks so cute! They are designing for eight super fans of the show! Why wasn't I invited??

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