So celebrities are not the only thing dying lately, this October Geocities - the free website service, will be gone (or at least, the "free" part). So, if you are like me and you went to college in the late nineties and learned how to make websites by writing the crude HTML yourself then put it up on Geocities and then re-vamped your site ostensibly so that your friends and family back home could hear news and see pictures of you while you lived abroad and then re-vamped it again so that your friends from abroad could hear news and see pictures of you back home after you came back (though, probably no one ever really went to your website, if we're being honest) then you are going to have to find something to do with that site that you haven't updated since April 7th, 2005.
So what are your options? That, my friends, is the question. You can pay $4.99 A MONTH to keep it at Geocities where it is (though, again, no one ever goes to your website so what, then, really, is the point?) or you can find some other free web-hosting site on which to put your page.
Let's face it. No one goes to my website, but I can't just let my pink-Pride-and-Prejudice-and-frames design with it's links, pictures, etc. just go to waste! IT links to my website on how to teach Japanese to junior high school students! It includes my children's books about a monkey who is afraid of heights and a carrot who doesn't want to be made into a salad! So, I've got to find a new parking spot for my poor step-child of a webpage.
If you have any ideas, let me know in the comments, won't you?
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