This post is going to be about Torchwood. If you haven't seen it and you don't want to read any spoilers, then don't read this. But may I suggest you just never bother starting to watch it in the first place?
So I just finished watching the last episode of the 5 episode mini-series Torchwood: Children of Earth. Actually, I just finished fast-forwarding through the whole episode to see if Ianto was in it, but he was not. What the hell? Why do they kill everyone off on this show? What is the point of that? Why did I watch two whole seasons and a mini series - for this? That's it? That's how it ends??
Oh, maybe they will come back later and have another series - who will be in it? Jack and Gwen and Rhys? And a baby or something? Lois? That would suck.
Plus, I always though Tosh and Owen were killed off because the actors needed to leave to go do other things or something (um... Bleak House?), but no. Apparently they were killed off for "dramatic" reasons. I don't care so much about them, but it did seem like kind of a waste for both of them to die in the same episode. But Ianto? There is no Torchwood without Ianto.
What a waste of time.
My suggestion to you, if you want to start watching this BBC series (a spin-off of sorts from Doctor Who, which I don't watch) is to go ahead and stop watching at the end of Episode 3 of COE. Then imagine in your head any ending you can think of - I'm sure it will be better than the real one.
Ack. I still can't believe it.
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