Is anyone else tired of Jay Leno? Just go home to your cars and retire!
I was a longtime fan of Late Night with Conan O'Brien, and thought he was really getting his due when NBC announced he would be taking over the Tonight Show. Then NBC pulled that stupid move of giving Leno a show that came on right before the Tonight Show. (To be fair, I never watched that show, but I have heard it was pretty terrible and that it was a lot like Leno's Tonight Show which I did not like). Now, according to articles like this, they are going to move Conan (and Jimmy Fallon) to even LATER in the evening to give Jay his old spot back. That sounds like a terrible idea.
Anyway, as much as I like Conan, his Tonight Show is not his Late Night. I've decided to give Jimmy Fallon a try because, from the commercials, it looks like he is doing some pretty funny out-there things and has some interesting quirky guests.
Well, the perfect time to switch to Jimmy is here - Ringo Tuesday! On Tuesday, Ringo Starr's new album Y Not hits stores (are there still any record stores?) and he will be the only guest on Late Night.
Maybe if Conan's Tonight Show moves to after midnight (or to FOX), he will get to show a little more of that old Late Night pizazz, but starting Tuesday I'm setting my DVR to Jimmy Fallon.
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