I live in Southern California, so most of my Sunday mornings are spent listening to Breakfast with the Beatles on 95.5 KLOS. This show always has quiz questions and gives away prizes (usually tickets to see something I would not want to see, like a Beatles tribute band or something). Today was actually the first day that I actually knew the answer to BOTH of the quiz questions AND they were giving away some pretty good prizes that I would actually like to have! I added the KLOS number to my phone and called in. The second time, instead of a busy signal, the phone rang!
And then I hung up.
Ever since I was a little kid, listening to the terrible top 40 in the early 90's ("Informer" by Snow, anyone?) I have had a fear of calling in to radio stations. It freaks me out. My heart starts beating really fast.
I am not afraid of public speaking - I like public speaking. My job requires me to speak in front of large groups all the time. So, I don't know what this fear of radio station calling is about.
I HAVE called radio stations before, and been on the air. I even won a contest once where the question was "What is Shakespeare's birthday?" for tickets to a play. But today, I just couldn't pull it out for the Ringo CD set. Hmmm.
Speaking of phobias, I also have a (somewhat mild) fear of maps - especially Google Earth. I read about this recently; it's not that uncommon. It's actually a form of acrophobia - the fear of heights! You see, by looking at a map, it's almost like you are high above the earth looking down on it! Isn't that crazy?
Do you have any unusual phobias? If you leave your thoughts in the comment section, I promise not to make fun of you!
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