Welcome back! It's time for episode three and it looks like it's going to be the unconventional challenge! Hooray!
"Give lifeboats to the Titanic" - Timothy
The designers are at Coney Island for a team challenge with yogurt. Kate is not happy.
Alexander and Justin are a team, then Kate and (is her name Ellen? Helen? You know, the girl who cried last week?), Jeremy and Ken, Sue and Sandro (there's going to be drama), Braden and Karen, Dom and Alexandria, so Timothy got left with Miranda - remember they are from Wisconsin or something, so she hates him.
So the design teams pass out free frozen yogurt to people and have to ask them for words to describe it. Things like "fluffy," "luxurious," and "raspberry town." THEN they have to go play carnival games because the prizes they win will be the fabrics they use for their garment which is to be inspired by the yogurt words. Does that make sense?
Kate and Crying Girl go for red sombreros. Jeremy is winning these big stuffed ice cream cones. Sandro and Sue are winning these blue blow-up alien plastic doll things (why??). Braden has a big monkey and gives it a little kiss! Timothy and Miranda seem to have a very large whale (it's bigger than Timothy) and a yellow kickball - did they get anything else? Is this sustainable? THEN... they see UNICORNS!! and so Team Wisconsin is happy.
If my dogs tearing apart a little stuffed chew toy is any indication, there is going to be A LOT of fluff on the floor at Parsons!
Karen and Bradon make a cute team, I am going to predict that they will win (so far no one has sketched anything, though).
Kate is doing... guess what? A corset. Again. Sandro thinks Sue's idea is too much like a drag queen costume. Timothy and Miranda's blue and yellow vinyl dress idea looks A) impossible and B) boring even if they do finish it. Alexander wants to use the eye of one of his toys. Sue doesn't even know how to use a sewing machine. Kate already has fluff in her hair. Tim calls the fluff "flotsam and jetsam."
Everyone is cutting open stuffed animals. Sandro and Sue are fighting. I'm worried about Alexander and Justin's color blocking - especially the colors (mostly blue with green). In the preview one of the judges said there was a dress that looke like she had seaweed on her butt and I'm afraid it might be this one. I hope Alexander doesn't go home!!
Timothy wants to start over and make pants instead of a dress, but Miranda already patterned everything, so she starts crying over dinner with Sandro (I mean. not as much as Helen cried last week).
Tim is supportive of Jeremy's look (including some kind of "big fur jacket" which hasn't been made yet and blue vinyl pants.
Dom's Japanese street wear look gets a pass from Tim as well.
Alexander's look, he admits, is "junior" and Tim suggests that add another piece without making it silly.
Karen and Bradon are doing something no one else in the room is doing - but it has a big green plastic seaweed butt piece!!
Sandro and Sue don't get along, so that worries Tim. Alexander calls Sandro completely unprofessional and out of line (well, not to his face).
For Helen and Kate, Tim agrees with Helen that the bodice look should be strapless and does not need the high shoulders Kate wants to add.
Timothy and Miranda have a look that "looks very hospital gowny" according to Tim. When Tim brings up "craft project" or "happy hands at home" that is not a good sign.
The models come in for their fittings.
Timothy's model (no the one he had for the first challenge) is super nice to him and gave him a card.
Kate and Helen are having a "love fest" and are like sorority sisters according to Kate.
Miranda and Sandro are being mean to Timothy and he walks in. Poor Timothy! He looks so sad. At least he is trying! She basically just gave up when they got a bad critique from Tim. She basically says he was only cast on the show to create drama for her. Timothy walks out of the workroom and Miranda doesn't really care.
OMG it looks like Timothy is really taking his unicorn and leaving! Sad music. Miranda sucks.
Timothy is sitting in a stairwell and he reads the letter he got from his model, Sophie. It's so sweet! She tells him how lucky she feels to work with him and tells him to keep fighting - so he goes back!! Yay!
Sandro is crying because he wants to be perfect. Tim was wrong - it's not Timothy and Miranda's dress that looks Disney - it's Sandro and Sue's! It looks like a plastic Cinderella costume! (I think I should be Snow White for Halloween...)
The night is over.
It's hair and makeup time and Kate and Helen's red sombrero bodice dress looks pretty cute.
Miranda realizes she should have just talked to Timothy (or something) and Sophie looks cute in the dress from what I could see.
Alexander is worried that he and Justin might be in a little trouble. Jeremy thinks it looks terrible.
Miranda cries a little and tries to appologize the Timothy kinda. He says, "actions speak louder than words." That is a perfectly awesome response! He is totally sticking up for himself and she deserves it.
Karen wants her model's hair to look "like a comet." Pink liner. Strong brows. Micky Mouse ears. Dolly pink.
Miranda is really happy with the look. She and Timothy share a quick hug.
Why is Sandro dressed like a farmer?
The guest judge is Kelly Osbourne. The runway show begins.
Bradon & Karen. This is a no. The seaweed sticking out on one side and the fluff on the other are not cute. But I have a feeling this might not be the worst look.
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Bradon and Karen |
Dom and Alexandria's sweater with a face on it is so cute! The hair is a little much.
Sandro and Sue's look is OK. It doesn't look like a ton of time or design went into it.
Helen and Kate may win. Kelly calls it f---ing brilliant.
Justin worries that his look with Alexander is a bit over done. I guess it's not going to be in the top or bottom.
Jeremy and Ken are going to be in the top! The blue vinyl pants (made out of the same material as Sandro and Sue's ho-hum dress) are amazing!
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Jeremy and Ken |
Miranda and Timothy are probably in the bottom three. but they may not go home. Timothy thinks they may win!
Bradon and Karen, Ken and Jeremy, and Sandro and Sue are in the middle. I guess I was wrong about Ken and Jeremy being in the top three AND about Alexander and Justin being in the middle!
YUCK! Sandro just said something horribly sexist about how cool it is when a woman listens to a man. Boo!
COMMERCIAL #5 (it looks like Kelly is coming back to Dance Moms next week!)
I see - there are two teams in the top and two in the bottom. The judges want to talk to the top teams first - Kate & Helen, and Alexandria & Dom (they really were both really good).
Heidi wants to wear Dom and Alexandria's sweater. All the judges love it and think it is very fun, creative, and adorable. Nina loves the styling and calls it an "instagram moment."
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Dom and Alexandria |
I think the hair on Kate and Helen's model is bad, but Heidi seems to like it. Their love fest continues. Nina likes the dramatic red. Kate and Helen's model looks like a blonde Rachel Weiss to me.
Posen calls Alexander and Justin's look sea foam Skipper (or something). Heidi says they need to edit. Nina says, go fun or go glamorous, but they couldn't make up their mind.
Heidi calles Timothy and Miranda's look "so boring." and Posen calls it a deflated pool toy with a life vest. Nina is reminded of a toxic biohazard. The big question is - if they loose, who should go home? Miranda says she is responsible for the design and admits she got a little freaked and that they got into a fight. She didn't need to bring that up in front of the judges. It all comes out, but it sounds like Miranda made most of the dress.
Now the judges will do the (I think) unnecessary part where they look closely at the clothes. Miranda cries some more and yells at Timothy for bringing up the drama in front of the judges (um, she did that).
Timothy has been in the bottom three times in a row and this unconventional challenge should have been HIS challenge, the judges feel, so will they send him home?
Helen wins (Kate said that if they won, it should go to Helen) and has immunity. She couldn't have done it without Kate and her corsets, though.
Alexandria and Dom are in and so are Alexander and Justin. So it's down to Timothy and Miranda. I think she should go home.
And it's Timothy. Poor guy! I really liked him in this episode. But he's happy that he learned something. He only regrets not dancing more.
Does Tim have to justify not using his Tim Gunn Save on every show now?
Timothy packs his unicorn and goes, "I won't stop believing in unicorns ever!"
Next time it will be a bow tie challenge with guest Jessie Tyler Ferguson from Modern Family and it looks like Sandro is going to walk out and hit a camera!
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