"I need a gun." - Ken
The designers begin by talking about Sandro's departure.
This week they are meeting Tim in the Meatpacking District (that's where I stayed on my last trip to New York). They are doing a car challenge in teams of three. The teams are:
Sue, Alexandria, and Ken. Ken is so much shorter than those two Amazons! Alexander says he is very happy to not be on that team.
Kate, Jeremy, and Karen are the next team, followed by:
Justin, Dom, and Helen and:
Alexander, Bradon, and Miranda. I do not like Miranda at all, but I am so excited to see Alexander and Brsdon working together! I predict that they will win unless Miranda starts crying and messing everything up.
The teams must create a three-look collection, one look per designer. It may be inspired by the car, but doesn't have to be. Each team must choose their own winner and two stores ( out of three) to choose their materials from: a vintage wallpaper store, a specialty foods store, and a home goods/party store. They have one day.
The teams get in their cars to travel to the stores. Team Jeremy is doing a retro meets modern theme inspired by The Great Gatsby which is so weird because that is the EXACT same theme I am currently using at work - maybe it's not as original as I thought, or maybe I will get some ideas from this episode!
Team Alexander decides to work with white.
Team Ken has no idea. Something about luxury? In the car (and elsewhere) Ken is really acting like a baby. Alexandria is trying to make the best of it but Ken says he's "living a nightmare."
Team Dom stops at the wallpaper shop first. They are looking for something red because their car is red. However, since all the wallpaper is faded, there is no true red.
Sue is grabbing a black shower curtain. Yikes. She says something about metallics, but it is just black fabric, Sue! I mean, come on! Now she's getting black drapery! Ken says, "I need a gun."
Bradon finds white woven blinds.
Dom's team is getting dried fruit.
Alexander's team is looking for white wallpaper.
Ken is super unhappy at the wallpaper store and I'm surprised to see that his teammates have found what looks like some red wallpaper to use as trim.
Back at Parsons, Sue hopes her team won't have conflict. Yeah, good luck.
Miranda is quilting some wallpaper with muslin on the back. Seems like a good idea, I guess.
Everyone is hard at work when Tim comes in... with Sandro! What a shock (well, if they hadn't teased it before the commercial). He's back to apologize and say goodbye and kind of take a little dig at Helen and Ken. He says he is a misunderstood emotional Russian. He gets/gives some hugs and Helen says, "I'm glad that he's gone."
Tim loves the work of team white.
Kate explains her "futuristic" idea but Tim calls it a bit crafty, which is NOT the point of the unconventional challenge. He doesn't want them to just use $200 of placemats.
Team Justin only spent $600. Helen's look is bad and they didn't buy enough material to change it.
Tim says Ken looks "pensive" and Ken says something about vomiting information. They are also using placemats. On seeing Sur's black curtains Tim says, "This makes me sick." Tim to Sue: "Have you ever SEEN Project Runway?"
Tim is still tearing Sue a new one. He yells at Ken for smirking, too. Ken says this is the best that Sue can do (that's what everyone is thinking, according to Dom). So, Sue starts over.
Team Dom decides to crumple their wallpaper up.
The models come in. Ken asks Kate for advice about team eliminations. She tells him that the one with the worst look will go home. Has HE ever seen Project Runway?
Jeremy is putting glue and glitter on something that looks like a leg cast.
Ken says he is done talking. I wish!!
It's midnight.
It's the morning of runway. Ken is complaining about Sue, then he puts a bunch of duct tape on the butt of his dress.
Sue is hand-sewing her entire garment for some reason. Her dress is not complete and it's time to go. Her model has to leave the room undressed and its totally unprecedented. Tim has to tell them to take their hands off the dress. I've watched every season of this show and I've never seen this. What will it look like on the runway?
Time for the runway show and first up is team Alexander's whit group. He has pants and a top with a crazy big collar/scarf thing. Miranda's short dress is pretty ho-hum. Bradon's gown has an interesting fabric on the skirt. It's ver bridal. The collection is very cohesive.
Next up is team crumpled wallpaper: Dom, Justin, and Helen. Justin's ugly pants are only outdone by his ugly boring top which Helen dubs "goji berry overdose." Dom's paper dress is cute enough. Helen's puffy dress is so-so, but it fits better with Dom's look than Justin's does. She is probably safe this week AGAIN even though she is giving Sue a run for her money in the worst designer contest.
Team Duct Tape Butt is up next. Sue calls her look a disaster and takes a furtive glance at the judges. When did she have time to put that black net thing on it? That wasn't there when they left the workroom, was it? Ken's look makes his model seem thick-waisted. The good/bad news is that is does look cohesive with Sue's garment! Alexandria's model looks cute but you can HEAR the garment on the runway! Every time she moves, her thick plastic skirt makes a loud crunching sound! Ha ha!
Jeremy loves his glittery body cast. He thinks he will win. I think Karen's patchwork dress is ugly, but at least you can tell she put a lot of time and work into it. Kate's black dress is very Kate and has a high slit (on a short dress) that is vulgar. Is the metallic cuff from th accessory wall or did she make it? It's the only futuristic looking thing in the collection to me. Posen is smiling.
I'm surprised by how two teams basically ended up using white and two used black. This wasn't a black & white challenge people!
To my surprise, Heidi says the judges were "blown away" by the looks this week. Wait until they hear what Tim has to say!
COMMERCIAL #4 - maybe next week I'll try using my iPad to check out the interactive features, but honestly it doesn't seem to be adding much to the show to me. Maybe I keep looking away to type too much to notice it?
Jeremy Karen and Kate are the winning team. Bradon's team was a close second.
The losing team is Alexandria, Ken, and Sue. Yeah.
Heidi thought Kate designed Jeremy's white dress.
The guest judge has weird Minnie Mouse hair.
Sue's group is speaking so quietly that Heidi has to ask them to speak up twice. They have very little to say. Will they cave and start complaining and blaming each other? Nina says Ken's dress looks like it is wrapped in duct tape. The guest judge accuses them of trying to bring " disco to the daytime." Heidi asks who doesn't know how to sew (Sue) and I have to go let my dog out. Be right back!
The group complaining begins. Nina stops them from focusing just on Sue - it all looks bad. Heidi can't believe that Sue can't sew, Nina thinks none of them can sew, Posen says maybe they should all go home. At least Sue's dress has an interesting cutout according to Nina. I have to agree that based on the garments alone, I would probably kick off Ken. He basically calls Sue out though and says her model basically finished the look after they left the workroom. Ken is such a snake. So who should go home? Ken says Sue. Alexandria says it's hard, but working with Ken is like "walking on glass." He cuts her off ("I'm speaking!") to say he is not hard to work with (proving that he IS in fact hard to work with). The two women look so scared, Sue has to timidly raise her hand to ask if she can say something! This whole time Kate's team is still standing there on the runway, by the way. The designers leave the runway.
It's tense in the workroom. Ken is furious with Alexandria and again tells her that he is speaking and AGAIN claims he is not going to speak any more.
Tim tells the judges about how he almost lost it. Sue's poor model sheepishly admits she sewed and shows the judges where - if she hasn't her whole chest would have been exposed! I don't see how they can't choose Sue as the winner, but could they maybe kick off Ken as well? Tim should get to kick one designer off as well as or instead of saving one!
Alexandria is really safe, and Tim defends her, too.
They love Jeremy's team, but I have to say that it doesn't do much for me Gatsby-wise. The guest judge loves to say "Mixed Media." I took Art History 101, too, lady - calm down.
As we go into commercial, Heidi says, "One OR MORE of you will be out." She says it again right after the commercial, too. Hint hint.
Jeremy is the winner.
Sue is out, but Ken and Alexandria are still standing on the runway!!!
Bradon is so sweet to Sue in the workroom.
Alexandria is in, so Ken is either out or is going to get a severe talking to. What if he says, "I'm speaking!" to Heidi?! Or to Nina??!!
He's safe. That's it. The biggest shock is the preview for next week - Tim has something important to say and is crying! Poor Tim!! They also go "glamping" which I just did. It sucks.
See you next week!
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