Thursday, August 13, 2009


It's summer, so I just wanted to say a few quick things about frozen snacks.

I would like to acknowledge Dibs (the bite-sized ice cream snack) for doing something I don't think I've ever seen before - having a serving size that was actually larger than most people would eat! I bought some Dibs and had a few when I started to wonder how bad they are for you - when I turned the package over I expected to see a ridiculous serving size like 2 - to my surprise it was 29! That's half a box! I seriously doubt I could eat half a box of dibs in one sitting - even if I wanted to.

As a comparison, flaming hot Cheetos, which are famously eaten by elementary school children one family-sized bag at a time, suggest you eat only 13 at a time. When have you seen a child who could only eat 13 hot Cheetos? Those things are covered in some kind of red crack for kids.

How much exercise does it take to work off 13 hot Cheetos? One website suggests...

  • Doing light housework (such as dusting) for 46 minutes
  • Operating a snowblower for 35 minutes or
  • Playing 13 minutes of Jai Alai

So kudos to Dreyers, the makers of Dibs, for not trying to put one past the average American consumer and Happy Summer!

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