Since I wrote about coffee and donuts in the last post...
I recently found these two websites while reading an article about how to save money at the grocery store.
The Shopper's Guide to Pesticides (here) has a list (here) of which vegetables and fruits are the worst when it comes to pesticides. How does this save you money? You buy organic for the worst offenders on the list (#2 is apples) but for those lower on the list you don't need to spend the extra money. They also have an iPhone app! Search "Dirty Produce" in the app store.
Fruits & Veggies: More Matters (here) is a site that, among other things, tells you what kinds of produce are in season when (here). Fruits and Vegetables that are out of season cost more.
The fruit you should probably always buy organic, or at least skin before you eat it? Peaches. Something you probably never have to buy organic? Onions. And what about grapes? Domestic grapes are fine, but if they are imported you should go organic.
Speaking of fruit, if you haven't seen it yet you MUST watch this video on how to open a banana like a monkey (here) on YouTube - it will either change your life or reinforce how awesome you already are. (I just noticed that the guy in the video is wearing monkey pajama pants).
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