I was just thinking about a donut chain there called Mr. Donut. They are everywhere. There was one by my apartment and I used to go there sometimes and get the pink donut - it's called "strawberry milk ring."
You can see the donuts at the website (here). The site's in Japanese, but donuts are a universal language.
Another chain seen everywhere is the coffee shop Doutor. My friends and I pronounced it "do tour" but someone once said it was really "doe - tore" though in Japanese it's "doe too ru," I remember making plans to meet a friend of mine downtown and she told me to meet at some place that was "right next to Doutor." I was like an hour and a half late. In my defense, those were pretty weak directions.
Right now the Doutor website features a video of a crazy flying hotdog, so it's not as exciting as, say, Mr. Donut, but you can visit it (here) also in Japanese. The names of the menu items are in English, though - go (here).
I used to get iced coffee. I never get just plain iced coffee here. :(
This website reminded me of a word I had forgotten - osusume. It means "recommendation" sort of. Ah! I distinctly recall asking for osusumes at tea shops, etc. Nostalgia!
Anyway, go ahead - Japanese websites are not going to bite you!
(The photo above is from ffg's Flickr page. Yay for creative commons)!
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