The Dinner by Herman Koch. It comes out in February. The Huff Post says it's a tale of two families set on one night in an expensive restaurant. Skins good!
Wednesday, December 26, 2012
Tuesday, December 25, 2012
Christmas 2012
So, it's almost time to open my presents. I know I got slippers and I can't wait to own them because my feet are cold. After the presents are open, I have phone calls to make and a meal to cook. The bread is baked, the pie is done, the presents wrapped for everyone - simply having a wonderful Christmastime!
This year I got my mom slippers and a brain teaser book (next time, just get her a word search, the big print kind, that's her favorite part). I got her husband a knife (I think he really likes it, he says I am going to inherit it). I got my brother and nephew the be Family Guy Xbox game. I got my Dad and his gf these metal brain teaser toy things. I got Jeff a Swiss Army knife and some other stuff. I got Carlos a book. My secret santa recipient at work was Kevin, but I couldn't get a 60's Motown record for him, so I just got him a Starbucks gift card (sorry Kevin). I got a cute Christmas card for everyone else. Here's what it looks like:
I got the following gifts:
This year I got my mom slippers and a brain teaser book (next time, just get her a word search, the big print kind, that's her favorite part). I got her husband a knife (I think he really likes it, he says I am going to inherit it). I got my brother and nephew the be Family Guy Xbox game. I got my Dad and his gf these metal brain teaser toy things. I got Jeff a Swiss Army knife and some other stuff. I got Carlos a book. My secret santa recipient at work was Kevin, but I couldn't get a 60's Motown record for him, so I just got him a Starbucks gift card (sorry Kevin). I got a cute Christmas card for everyone else. Here's what it looks like:
I got the following gifts:
I got my friend Carlos a copy of Ulysses (he wanted Finnegan's Wake) and I got one for myself, too. I even started a blog about it.
New slippers (thanks mom) and pajama pants.
Mini flashlight (it's a family tradition)!
Regency House Party! (I wanted either this or Frontier House).
A frisbee golf putter!
A little pink pocket knife like I had when I was a kid!
A whole box of the pens I like to use at work (I really wanted these)!
Three new nail polishes! (Not shown: the Tifffany blue that I already started using two weeks ago). There's a metalic blue and a gray! I've never had gray nail polish before. I think I'm going to try it today. You know I love nail polish.
I got this chia pet-like gift from my secret santa at work. Today is day one.
Thursday, August 23, 2012
Project Runway Season 10 Episode 5 Live Blog
So this week's Project Runway is here. Instead of my usual live blog, which takes a long time to write, I'm just going to make my comments during the commercial breaks.
Commercial Break #1:
I can't believe the first person they chose for the team challenge is Elena. She has such an attitude problem. I guess her construction is good, though.
Raul is acting like a spoiled brat. Does he have a crush on Christopher? I don't know. It sounds like his outfit is not going to go with the rest of team six.
Team five doesn't really seem to be liking Gunnar very much, either. He did throw out nautical theme at one point. So there's that.
Commercial Break #2:
The commercials previewing what's coming up after the break are more exciting than the actual show.
Gunnar is still really unhappy. Tim's critique of team five makes their collection sound clownish. Sonjia thinks the collection is too resort wear. Gunnar thinks it is "drag queen cocktail hour."
Meanwhile team five has more done than the other team. I'm not crazy about the dark blue on Dimitri's color blocked dress, although his zipper is cute.
I haven't seen who's going to make the ugly white top/gray skirt that they have been showing all week in the commercial. I guess it's going to be team six.
Commercial Break #3:
I'm loving Dimitri this week. One way monkey??
Apparently Christopher, Ven, and Nathan have a nickname: the chiffonies. At first I thought they said the Chif-Fonzies! That would've been much better.
I still can't tell who is making that ugly white and gray "It looks like two puppies fighting in a sack" outfit yet.
The photo shoot is up next. I'm interested to see how the designs look together.
Commercial Break #4:
Tim's jacket at the photo shoot is so cute. Love him. But what is with Christopher's bleach-dipped plaid shirt thing?
Elena's freaking out at the photo shoot and bossing everyone around. Hair and makeup does not like it and neither does the rest of her team. I have to say though, I think she has a point about the props.
Next up: the runway.
Commercial Break #5:
The runway show goes pretty well. I'm worried about Raul and Gunnar and a few others. I think Alicia's pants look amazing. I guess we'll see what the judges think.
Commercial Break #6:
I'm going to make a prediction that both teams are going to win that they're going to use some of the photographs from one team and some from another team in the magazine and that no one will be out. We'll see.
If someone is going it looks like it's Raul or Gunnar.
I agree with the judges that the photograph with the three women in it focuses on the worst look which is Gunnar's dress and you can barely see the best piece which is Christopher's skirt. That's unfortunate.
Commercial Break #7:
Melissa is the winner but it's not fair. She got to design a dress that, except for the color, is just a dress she would design on any challenge. Everyone else actually had to make clothes that look like they are for the office. In that way she had an unfair advantage, I think.
Forgot to say before but Nathan's Foldy white pants were crazy. I hate crazy crotch clothes. Plus, who wears an asymmetrical old lady resort shirt to the office?
And Raul is eliminated again. What more can I say? I can't believe he went back to the room and said to Elena "I hate your ass." That was really something.
Well, it looks like next week is going to be the real woman challenge. I hate how so many designers freak out when they have to design for a woman who isn't a size 0 and actually has some curves. I guess we'll see how it goes, but it already looks like Ven called his girl fat and made her cry :(
As for me I am not designing a look this week. I hope to do gangbusters in the real woman challenge next week though, so I'll see you then!
Commercial Break #1:
I can't believe the first person they chose for the team challenge is Elena. She has such an attitude problem. I guess her construction is good, though.
Raul is acting like a spoiled brat. Does he have a crush on Christopher? I don't know. It sounds like his outfit is not going to go with the rest of team six.
Team five doesn't really seem to be liking Gunnar very much, either. He did throw out nautical theme at one point. So there's that.
Commercial Break #2:
The commercials previewing what's coming up after the break are more exciting than the actual show.
Gunnar is still really unhappy. Tim's critique of team five makes their collection sound clownish. Sonjia thinks the collection is too resort wear. Gunnar thinks it is "drag queen cocktail hour."
Meanwhile team five has more done than the other team. I'm not crazy about the dark blue on Dimitri's color blocked dress, although his zipper is cute.
I haven't seen who's going to make the ugly white top/gray skirt that they have been showing all week in the commercial. I guess it's going to be team six.
Commercial Break #3:
I'm loving Dimitri this week. One way monkey??
Apparently Christopher, Ven, and Nathan have a nickname: the chiffonies. At first I thought they said the Chif-Fonzies! That would've been much better.
I still can't tell who is making that ugly white and gray "It looks like two puppies fighting in a sack" outfit yet.
The photo shoot is up next. I'm interested to see how the designs look together.
Commercial Break #4:
Tim's jacket at the photo shoot is so cute. Love him. But what is with Christopher's bleach-dipped plaid shirt thing?
Elena's freaking out at the photo shoot and bossing everyone around. Hair and makeup does not like it and neither does the rest of her team. I have to say though, I think she has a point about the props.
Next up: the runway.
Commercial Break #5:
The runway show goes pretty well. I'm worried about Raul and Gunnar and a few others. I think Alicia's pants look amazing. I guess we'll see what the judges think.
Commercial Break #6:
I'm going to make a prediction that both teams are going to win that they're going to use some of the photographs from one team and some from another team in the magazine and that no one will be out. We'll see.
If someone is going it looks like it's Raul or Gunnar.
I agree with the judges that the photograph with the three women in it focuses on the worst look which is Gunnar's dress and you can barely see the best piece which is Christopher's skirt. That's unfortunate.
Commercial Break #7:
Melissa is the winner but it's not fair. She got to design a dress that, except for the color, is just a dress she would design on any challenge. Everyone else actually had to make clothes that look like they are for the office. In that way she had an unfair advantage, I think.
Forgot to say before but Nathan's Foldy white pants were crazy. I hate crazy crotch clothes. Plus, who wears an asymmetrical old lady resort shirt to the office?
And Raul is eliminated again. What more can I say? I can't believe he went back to the room and said to Elena "I hate your ass." That was really something.
Well, it looks like next week is going to be the real woman challenge. I hate how so many designers freak out when they have to design for a woman who isn't a size 0 and actually has some curves. I guess we'll see how it goes, but it already looks like Ven called his girl fat and made her cry :(
As for me I am not designing a look this week. I hope to do gangbusters in the real woman challenge next week though, so I'll see you then!
Project Runway Season 10 Episode 4 Live Blog
So this is supposed to be the episode where at least one person leaves. These are Heidi's infamous "cowards."
We begin at Atlas. Christopher is worried about seeing Andrea today. I don't think he needs to worry about that.
Kooan says he doesn't feel good.
What no Heidi time on the runway? The designers meet Tim and MK at the Michael Kors store. Sonjia looks really cute in a little white skirt outfit thing.
So Tim tells them that Andrea is gone. They have called her but have not been able to get in contact with her! They believe she's okay, though. I was worried about Andrea. She's a teacher, so how is it going to look if she doesn't do a good job on the show? Still leaving in the middle of the night was probably not the best way to handle it. Or, as Alicia puts it, it's "kinda lame."
Okay we get it. Fashion is hard!
The challenge this time is a woman on the go. Something comfortable, fashionable, and versatile.
They haven't even left mood yet and I've already heard three people say they're making a jersey dress. Christopher is getting on my nerves with his "louboutins in a dive bar" Dress.
Since Angela left does that mean they're going to bring a kicked off designer back? Or does that mean no one is getting kicked off this week?
Kooan announces that he, too, has decided he wants to leave. A bunch of designers start crying and talk about how hard it is to have lost two people. Calm down - they are not dead!
Tim went out with Kooan and said he'd be back. He better bring two past designers back with him. He has to.
So Raul is back. But is that it?
Alicia thinks the reason she got to stay over Raul last week is that his construction skills are not very good. She must not remember it was his idea to put a giant fake pony tail on their model last week.
I love Fabio's print so I'm glad to hear that Tim agrees with me. But we can already tell from the preview before the commercial that his dress is going to end up too short.
Buffi, I guess, is doing a flashy pink see-through top and a zebra print skirt?
Sonjia has some insightful comments about Christopher. I think she really nailed it on the head with that one. She's maybe becoming my favorite designer of the season.
You know that tall guy? He's so unmemorable I don't remember his name. He's making this look for a mom out of what looks like this gross shiny stretchy sweater material in green and gold. Yuck.
Melissa's hoodie idea sounds cute but her fabric doesn't look very good.
Ven is being really hard on Raul.
Raul just said nice to meet you to his model. I guess he's getting Andrea's old model? Or Kooan's?
Gunnar just said something about how his client works in office but really loves fashion. I doesn't sound very creative.
Melissa makes her model stand there topless and then asks, "Are you comfortable?"
Looks like Christopher and Buffi are building up to a confrontation.
Back at Atlas, Buffi is working out and Fabio is wearing a turban.
OMG Christopher no, Christopher no. Just stop. He's trying to give Buffi some constructive advice (in other words, he is being a bitch to her). Just leave her alone. Now he's listening at the door to the sewing room as she talks about him. Drama.
It's Tim's morning visit time and he really feels that the designs this week really show off to the designers are. I'm really excited to see the show.
Raul's pants are way too small. (I mean the ones he made for the model).
Nathan! That's that guys name.
It's hair and makeup time. I do have to say Christopher's model's make up looks really good.
Dance Moms commercial!
Time for the runway show.
First up is Sonjia who made a gray dress with a twist. I mean, I was thinking the same thing when they first announced the challenge – that it should be a day to night dress look. This one looks a little too bootylicious though.
I know Alicia's look as soon as it comes out because it's a white button-down men's shirt. Guest Judge Hayden P. has a weird look on her face. Well, weird for her. Why oh why does it have leather elbow patches?
What is Melissa's model wearing? It's like something an overweight sociology professor would wear. It's this really long scarf sweater thing. I don't get it. It's too much.
Buffi's look looks so Buffi that I almost thought it was Buffi when the model walked out. Nathan is trying to be nice and telling her that "it walks well" but it is not a woman on the go look.
The next look is kind of boring. It looks better in the front than it does in the back. Kind of a miss.
Here is a weird plum colored jersey turtleneck cravat thing. The skirt is OK, though.
Nathan's unfortunate-colored dress has a cute diamond triangle thing on the front but the vest/cape thing is really unfortunate. If she were a superhero she would be Mustard Mom.
I think Dimitri's look is a lot like Sonjia's. The only thing is her boobs look really weird and pointy. Also, it's cut out in the back so she can't wear a bra. That's not exactly versatile.
Oh please then with the gold sector. I think fashion for word was supposed to be part of the challenge.
Raul's girl has this big pointy long coat vest thing on. At least it covers up those leather add-ons on the pants. The back is even worse. But who has the worst look Buffi or Raul? I would never wear Buffi's dress to a meeting and then out clubbing afterwards but I would never EVER wear Raul's outfit.
MK's look for Elena's Frankenstein jacket is priceless. The best Michael Kors expression of the season. Heidi also has a hilarious expression. Elena says that her model looks like she belongs in a runway in London. I think I know who the bottom three are.
I'm not loving the blue suede shoes Christopher has put on his model. From Mid-thigh up the outfit looks good but the dangling part at the bottom I'm not crazy about. I'm also not sure how well this really fit the challenge. Is she supposed to go to the office in that?
Judging time.
I think Sanjia and Dimitri are both in the top!
For some reason Melissa, who is safe, thanks Fabio is going to win.
Heidi and the guest judges love Sonjia's look.
Michael tells Fabio that HE looks good and Michael keeps wanting to see that in his design. It was an insightful comment.
Christopher is also in the top. I hope this doesn't go to his head.
One of the guest judges says of Buffi's look that any time you have to rely entirely on a belt, your look as been unsuccessful. MK is wearing the whitest white pants by the way.
Heidi totally found the little leather sides on Raul's pants. Some producer must've told her about that. Otherwise, way to go Heidi. The pants do have a "cuckoo crotch."
MK says Demitry's dress is hands-down the best made garment they've seen today. Christopher looks pissed off.
Shut up about your shoulders Hayden P.! Not everybody has man shoulders like you.
Oops! I fast-forwarded too far past the commercial and and now I know that Buffy is the loser. Well, let's see who won.
The winner is Sonjia.
Next week's challenge is to working with a team to create a collection.
We begin at Atlas. Christopher is worried about seeing Andrea today. I don't think he needs to worry about that.
Kooan says he doesn't feel good.
What no Heidi time on the runway? The designers meet Tim and MK at the Michael Kors store. Sonjia looks really cute in a little white skirt outfit thing.
So Tim tells them that Andrea is gone. They have called her but have not been able to get in contact with her! They believe she's okay, though. I was worried about Andrea. She's a teacher, so how is it going to look if she doesn't do a good job on the show? Still leaving in the middle of the night was probably not the best way to handle it. Or, as Alicia puts it, it's "kinda lame."
Okay we get it. Fashion is hard!
The challenge this time is a woman on the go. Something comfortable, fashionable, and versatile.
They haven't even left mood yet and I've already heard three people say they're making a jersey dress. Christopher is getting on my nerves with his "louboutins in a dive bar" Dress.
Since Angela left does that mean they're going to bring a kicked off designer back? Or does that mean no one is getting kicked off this week?
Kooan announces that he, too, has decided he wants to leave. A bunch of designers start crying and talk about how hard it is to have lost two people. Calm down - they are not dead!
Tim went out with Kooan and said he'd be back. He better bring two past designers back with him. He has to.
So Raul is back. But is that it?
Alicia thinks the reason she got to stay over Raul last week is that his construction skills are not very good. She must not remember it was his idea to put a giant fake pony tail on their model last week.
I love Fabio's print so I'm glad to hear that Tim agrees with me. But we can already tell from the preview before the commercial that his dress is going to end up too short.
Buffi, I guess, is doing a flashy pink see-through top and a zebra print skirt?
Sonjia has some insightful comments about Christopher. I think she really nailed it on the head with that one. She's maybe becoming my favorite designer of the season.
You know that tall guy? He's so unmemorable I don't remember his name. He's making this look for a mom out of what looks like this gross shiny stretchy sweater material in green and gold. Yuck.
Melissa's hoodie idea sounds cute but her fabric doesn't look very good.
Ven is being really hard on Raul.
Raul just said nice to meet you to his model. I guess he's getting Andrea's old model? Or Kooan's?
Gunnar just said something about how his client works in office but really loves fashion. I doesn't sound very creative.
Melissa makes her model stand there topless and then asks, "Are you comfortable?"
Looks like Christopher and Buffi are building up to a confrontation.
Back at Atlas, Buffi is working out and Fabio is wearing a turban.
OMG Christopher no, Christopher no. Just stop. He's trying to give Buffi some constructive advice (in other words, he is being a bitch to her). Just leave her alone. Now he's listening at the door to the sewing room as she talks about him. Drama.
It's Tim's morning visit time and he really feels that the designs this week really show off to the designers are. I'm really excited to see the show.
Raul's pants are way too small. (I mean the ones he made for the model).
Nathan! That's that guys name.
It's hair and makeup time. I do have to say Christopher's model's make up looks really good.
Dance Moms commercial!
Time for the runway show.
First up is Sonjia who made a gray dress with a twist. I mean, I was thinking the same thing when they first announced the challenge – that it should be a day to night dress look. This one looks a little too bootylicious though.
I know Alicia's look as soon as it comes out because it's a white button-down men's shirt. Guest Judge Hayden P. has a weird look on her face. Well, weird for her. Why oh why does it have leather elbow patches?
What is Melissa's model wearing? It's like something an overweight sociology professor would wear. It's this really long scarf sweater thing. I don't get it. It's too much.
Buffi's look looks so Buffi that I almost thought it was Buffi when the model walked out. Nathan is trying to be nice and telling her that "it walks well" but it is not a woman on the go look.
The next look is kind of boring. It looks better in the front than it does in the back. Kind of a miss.
Here is a weird plum colored jersey turtleneck cravat thing. The skirt is OK, though.
Nathan's unfortunate-colored dress has a cute diamond triangle thing on the front but the vest/cape thing is really unfortunate. If she were a superhero she would be Mustard Mom.
I think Dimitri's look is a lot like Sonjia's. The only thing is her boobs look really weird and pointy. Also, it's cut out in the back so she can't wear a bra. That's not exactly versatile.
Oh please then with the gold sector. I think fashion for word was supposed to be part of the challenge.
Raul's girl has this big pointy long coat vest thing on. At least it covers up those leather add-ons on the pants. The back is even worse. But who has the worst look Buffi or Raul? I would never wear Buffi's dress to a meeting and then out clubbing afterwards but I would never EVER wear Raul's outfit.
MK's look for Elena's Frankenstein jacket is priceless. The best Michael Kors expression of the season. Heidi also has a hilarious expression. Elena says that her model looks like she belongs in a runway in London. I think I know who the bottom three are.
I'm not loving the blue suede shoes Christopher has put on his model. From Mid-thigh up the outfit looks good but the dangling part at the bottom I'm not crazy about. I'm also not sure how well this really fit the challenge. Is she supposed to go to the office in that?
Judging time.
I think Sanjia and Dimitri are both in the top!
For some reason Melissa, who is safe, thanks Fabio is going to win.
Heidi and the guest judges love Sonjia's look.
Michael tells Fabio that HE looks good and Michael keeps wanting to see that in his design. It was an insightful comment.
Christopher is also in the top. I hope this doesn't go to his head.
One of the guest judges says of Buffi's look that any time you have to rely entirely on a belt, your look as been unsuccessful. MK is wearing the whitest white pants by the way.
Heidi totally found the little leather sides on Raul's pants. Some producer must've told her about that. Otherwise, way to go Heidi. The pants do have a "cuckoo crotch."
MK says Demitry's dress is hands-down the best made garment they've seen today. Christopher looks pissed off.
Shut up about your shoulders Hayden P.! Not everybody has man shoulders like you.
Oops! I fast-forwarded too far past the commercial and and now I know that Buffy is the loser. Well, let's see who won.
The winner is Sonjia.
Next week's challenge is to working with a team to create a collection.
Tuesday, August 7, 2012
Project Runway Season 10 Episode 3 "Live Blog"
Note: I've been on vacation, so this is not really a "live" live blog, I am blogging while I watch it on my DVR.
I fast forwarded past the part where they get ready in the morning and went straight to Heidi on the runway. I didn't need to because she only told them to go see Tim somewhere but she was wearing an interesting gold dress with gray tights.
We know from the commercial last week that former stars of the show are going to come back and the current designers must design for them. But I'm sure there's more of a twist to it than that. Also by stars I mean stars and Kenley.
It's the Lexus challenge! And it's a red carpet look for the Emmys! The twist is they have to design something the color of the Lexus vehicle. they each get $300 and one day to complete their look. Are there going to be any male All-Stars? The Lexus guy tells them they need to make a bold statement. They're working in teams of TWO! I'm sure they're going to LOVE that. I bet Dimitry is the first talking head to say he doesn't want to work in a pair. I was wrong it was Elena.
I hope the twins are partners. No, they're not. One of them, Gunnar I think, is partnered with grandma. He says he loves her aesthetic and that the two of them are going to "win this with" their "eyes closed." No, that's Christopher. Gunnar gets Kooan for a partner.
Christopher and Grandma get Anya for a client.
Hat Guy and Dreadlocks get Mila.
Gunnar, who has a white car, gets Irina from season six. Apparently she was the winner. I don't remember her.
Dimitry and Melissa get April from season eight. He asks her if she's going to keep her hair purple. She is. Their car was silver.
Blue haired girl and her partner get some girl named Valerie from season eight. I don't remember her either. I'm not good with names. Ha ha she wants cutouts, patterns, something that's clean. That sounds easy.
The next team gets Laura Bennett. Love her.
Ven's team gets Kenley. It looks like their car is navy blue. I hope they can find a navy blue polka dot print. Kenley says she's vintage. And fashion forward.
The designers talk to the All-Stars and get to sketching. Then it's off to Mood!
Swatch is eating something off the floor.
They get to work in the workroom and Tim comes in with an announcement. The winner will get to GO to the Emmy's! They're talking about the Emmy's that are already over, right? Did anyone see them on the red carpet? Or do they mean next year's Emmy's?
I feel bad for Kooan. Gunnar is really taking over on their dress.
Alicia and Raul are a team and they both have never done an evening gown. They are both more menswear designers. Their fabric is a crazy red and black print. And they are using red leather. Their sketch is… ugly.
Based on the preview before the second commercial it looks like Buffi is going to be the first to walk out.
Kenley thinks of herself as a "modern Grace Kelly."
Elena is freaking out. She and Buffi are not working very well together.
Ven and Fabio's dress for Kenley is terrible. Sonjia rightly says that it looks like something she would just wear to church instead of the Emmys. It's a plain navy dress - something I wouldn't even wear to work with a cardigan if I was a librarian. They did tell Tim they were going to put a bunch of fancy stuff on top of it, so we'll see.
Raul hates the red carpet!
Right before the runway, Irina is not happy with the bump on the butt of her white dress made by Gunnar and Kooan. She's yelling at Kooan. I feel sorry for him.
I can't tell who's going home without seeing the runway show. I know Ven has immunity, but I don't think the judges will put his dress for Kenley in the bottom three. At least the customer is satisfied.
And it's runway time. The guest judge is actress Krysten Ritter. Here we go.
Buffi and Elena's pink under black pleats dress is up first. It looks okay. Laura is super cute. But Elena is still a little unhappy.
The brown dress Gunnar and grandma made for Anya looks not totally terrible. Anya, of course, makes a great model.
Kenley is it trying to be too cutesy on the runway.
I think Melissa and Dimitri might win this. April looks great in her silver dress (with purple hair) and, apparently, no bra.
Raul and Alicia look like they are going to lose. Not only is the dress amateurish, but the only red on it is the belt. The challenge was to make a dress the same color as their Lexus. Their Lexus was red. Their dress is black. Plus they gave Mila this big fake side ponytail.
Gunnar and Kooan's white dress looks a little better on the runway than it did in the workroom. Irina looks a little unhappy, but Heidi seems to like it. The best part is the necklace, but it's not like they designed that.
Sonjia and Nathan's gold sequin dress for Valerie looks good.
Team Melissa/Dimitry and team Sonjia/Nathan are safe. I thought they might be in the top. The third safe team is Elena and Buffi! In her interview, Elena basically blames Buffi for their safe/not winning status.
The two top teams are Fabio and Ven and Gunnar and Kooan. Gunnar looks shocked to be in the top two and Ven looks like he's got a date with Kenley to the Emmy's. The look on Kooan's face bothers me, though. Don't quit the show Coupon! I hope Irina doesn't say anything about the bump in the back of her dress during panel!
The hem of it Irina's white dress does not look good. Too short, uneven, and a string hanging off. She, to her credit I guess, doesn't really say anything bad about the dress. Her body language is another story.
Christopher is upset during judging. He doesn't really seem to stand up for himself, though, he just keeps saying how upset he is and how much he wants this. He is making Krysten Ritter (who called his dress something you could buy on Halloween in a drugstore) really uncomfortable.
Well, the judges results are in and the winner is Ven. Raul is the loser (I typed this sentence before they even announced it, it was so obvious). I guess Raul got kicked off for the fake ponytail. I will miss him and his little hat and his one piece of hair that hangs down his forehead. Did he say, "Bye Brittany" as he left??
In the preview for next week's episode, it seems that Andrea has left in the middle of the night! Finally we seem to know who one of the infamous "cowards" is! I think there are supposed to be two of them, but then they show Nathan AND Kooan both saying they want to leave, too! Crazy! Does that mean no one will get kicked off next week?
What did you think about this week's challenge? Were you excited to see Kenley again? As always, let me know what you think in the comments.
For my design this week, I typed Lexus into Google Image and used the first color I saw which was Silver, then I typed in Project Runway Designer and got Season 2 winner Chloe Dao! She likes asymmetrical stuff and isn't afraid to show a little cleavage. Here's what I came up with. The one on the bottom was supposed to be the front, but the back could also make a nice front!
I fast forwarded past the part where they get ready in the morning and went straight to Heidi on the runway. I didn't need to because she only told them to go see Tim somewhere but she was wearing an interesting gold dress with gray tights.
We know from the commercial last week that former stars of the show are going to come back and the current designers must design for them. But I'm sure there's more of a twist to it than that. Also by stars I mean stars and Kenley.
It's the Lexus challenge! And it's a red carpet look for the Emmys! The twist is they have to design something the color of the Lexus vehicle. they each get $300 and one day to complete their look. Are there going to be any male All-Stars? The Lexus guy tells them they need to make a bold statement. They're working in teams of TWO! I'm sure they're going to LOVE that. I bet Dimitry is the first talking head to say he doesn't want to work in a pair. I was wrong it was Elena.
I hope the twins are partners. No, they're not. One of them, Gunnar I think, is partnered with grandma. He says he loves her aesthetic and that the two of them are going to "win this with" their "eyes closed." No, that's Christopher. Gunnar gets Kooan for a partner.
Christopher and Grandma get Anya for a client.
Hat Guy and Dreadlocks get Mila.
Gunnar, who has a white car, gets Irina from season six. Apparently she was the winner. I don't remember her.
Dimitry and Melissa get April from season eight. He asks her if she's going to keep her hair purple. She is. Their car was silver.
Blue haired girl and her partner get some girl named Valerie from season eight. I don't remember her either. I'm not good with names. Ha ha she wants cutouts, patterns, something that's clean. That sounds easy.
The next team gets Laura Bennett. Love her.
Ven's team gets Kenley. It looks like their car is navy blue. I hope they can find a navy blue polka dot print. Kenley says she's vintage. And fashion forward.
The designers talk to the All-Stars and get to sketching. Then it's off to Mood!
Swatch is eating something off the floor.
They get to work in the workroom and Tim comes in with an announcement. The winner will get to GO to the Emmy's! They're talking about the Emmy's that are already over, right? Did anyone see them on the red carpet? Or do they mean next year's Emmy's?
I feel bad for Kooan. Gunnar is really taking over on their dress.
Alicia and Raul are a team and they both have never done an evening gown. They are both more menswear designers. Their fabric is a crazy red and black print. And they are using red leather. Their sketch is… ugly.
Based on the preview before the second commercial it looks like Buffi is going to be the first to walk out.
Kenley thinks of herself as a "modern Grace Kelly."
Elena is freaking out. She and Buffi are not working very well together.
Ven and Fabio's dress for Kenley is terrible. Sonjia rightly says that it looks like something she would just wear to church instead of the Emmys. It's a plain navy dress - something I wouldn't even wear to work with a cardigan if I was a librarian. They did tell Tim they were going to put a bunch of fancy stuff on top of it, so we'll see.
Raul hates the red carpet!
Right before the runway, Irina is not happy with the bump on the butt of her white dress made by Gunnar and Kooan. She's yelling at Kooan. I feel sorry for him.
I can't tell who's going home without seeing the runway show. I know Ven has immunity, but I don't think the judges will put his dress for Kenley in the bottom three. At least the customer is satisfied.
And it's runway time. The guest judge is actress Krysten Ritter. Here we go.
Buffi and Elena's pink under black pleats dress is up first. It looks okay. Laura is super cute. But Elena is still a little unhappy.
The brown dress Gunnar and grandma made for Anya looks not totally terrible. Anya, of course, makes a great model.
Kenley is it trying to be too cutesy on the runway.
I think Melissa and Dimitri might win this. April looks great in her silver dress (with purple hair) and, apparently, no bra.
Raul and Alicia look like they are going to lose. Not only is the dress amateurish, but the only red on it is the belt. The challenge was to make a dress the same color as their Lexus. Their Lexus was red. Their dress is black. Plus they gave Mila this big fake side ponytail.
Gunnar and Kooan's white dress looks a little better on the runway than it did in the workroom. Irina looks a little unhappy, but Heidi seems to like it. The best part is the necklace, but it's not like they designed that.
Sonjia and Nathan's gold sequin dress for Valerie looks good.
Team Melissa/Dimitry and team Sonjia/Nathan are safe. I thought they might be in the top. The third safe team is Elena and Buffi! In her interview, Elena basically blames Buffi for their safe/not winning status.
The two top teams are Fabio and Ven and Gunnar and Kooan. Gunnar looks shocked to be in the top two and Ven looks like he's got a date with Kenley to the Emmy's. The look on Kooan's face bothers me, though. Don't quit the show Coupon! I hope Irina doesn't say anything about the bump in the back of her dress during panel!
The hem of it Irina's white dress does not look good. Too short, uneven, and a string hanging off. She, to her credit I guess, doesn't really say anything bad about the dress. Her body language is another story.
Christopher is upset during judging. He doesn't really seem to stand up for himself, though, he just keeps saying how upset he is and how much he wants this. He is making Krysten Ritter (who called his dress something you could buy on Halloween in a drugstore) really uncomfortable.
Well, the judges results are in and the winner is Ven. Raul is the loser (I typed this sentence before they even announced it, it was so obvious). I guess Raul got kicked off for the fake ponytail. I will miss him and his little hat and his one piece of hair that hangs down his forehead. Did he say, "Bye Brittany" as he left??
In the preview for next week's episode, it seems that Andrea has left in the middle of the night! Finally we seem to know who one of the infamous "cowards" is! I think there are supposed to be two of them, but then they show Nathan AND Kooan both saying they want to leave, too! Crazy! Does that mean no one will get kicked off next week?
What did you think about this week's challenge? Were you excited to see Kenley again? As always, let me know what you think in the comments.
For my design this week, I typed Lexus into Google Image and used the first color I saw which was Silver, then I typed in Project Runway Designer and got Season 2 winner Chloe Dao! She likes asymmetrical stuff and isn't afraid to show a little cleavage. Here's what I came up with. The one on the bottom was supposed to be the front, but the back could also make a nice front!
Friday, July 27, 2012
Summer Olympics 2012 - Synchronized Diving!
You may not know it yet, but the best thing about the Summer Olympics (besides the performance by Paul McCartney, of course) is synchronized diving! If you live in California like me, you can watch the finals at 7am on July 29, 20, 31 and August 1st. Check the schedule for your time and, if you must, other non-synchronized and non-Macca related events.
Be sure to take the Olympic poll I added in the sidebar. The poll is open until the day after the Olympics end.
Go team USA!
Be sure to take the Olympic poll I added in the sidebar. The poll is open until the day after the Olympics end.
Go team USA!
Project Runway Season 10 - My Designs!
As you may know, I like to do a blog post (and sometimes even a live blog) for every episode of Project Runway (currently in its 10th season). I put pictures of my designs at the end of each week's post. In case you missed them, however, here are my designs for the first two challenges. (I draw them in my Moleskine sketchbook). In the past I have just sketched in pencil, but for this season I have started adding color.
Project Runway Season 10 Episode 2 Blog
This post has spoilers for episode 2, so be warned.
This was the second episode of the season and, as usual, it was the "unconventional" challenge. This time they had to use candy to make a garment. This challenge was very similar to Season 4's Hershey challenge. I feel like in season 4 the designers were criticized by the judges for not using enough actual candy in their designs. This seasons designers must have seen that episode, because (with the exception of the cast-offstylist designer) they ALL used candy.
I don't think any of us were really surprised at who went home this week. She was even second to last on last week's episode. What was Lantie even doing before she ended up cutting up an umbrella in the last few hours (minutes?) of the challenge?
If Lantie hadn't totally dropped the ball, I would have expected grandma to go this week - but she (and her dot candy apron/bustle combo) didn't even make the bottom three! Shocking! From the looks of next week's promo (where the designers must work in pairs) her partner does not seem to happy with her work. Can you believe that apron? Tim couldn't even find a nice way to say how awful it was!
In my opinion, the best dress was Demitri's. What were those dangly red things? His dress did look really ballroom, though.
The twins are still not getting along.
Have these people never seen cotton candy before?? The second I saw Kooan grabbing so many bags of it in the store I thought, "Don't you know it won't last long after you open it?" and then he started putting it on his garment the DAY BEFORE the runway show and Buffi even made a "bird's nest" hat out of it. OF course, they were both destroyed by the next morning.
I usually love the outfits Heidi wears when she comes out at the beginning of each episode to explain the challenge - but that plaid dress was just not flattering.
I thought this was the week someone was supposed to leave the show. When that one girl burned her leg, I thought it might be her - or that it might be grandma when she got so upset about Tim's comments. I guess we have to wait at least another week, but according to an interview I read with Heidi, two of the designers quit or have a meltdown or just leave in the middle of the night or something. Heidi even called them "cowards."
What did you think of this week's episode? Let me know in the comments and, as always, I'll see you next week!
Finally, for every P.R. challenge, I like to sketch my own design. Here is mine from this week. Yes, I totally stole the who "stringing gumballs together" idea, but I would have stolen that on the show anyway.
This was the second episode of the season and, as usual, it was the "unconventional" challenge. This time they had to use candy to make a garment. This challenge was very similar to Season 4's Hershey challenge. I feel like in season 4 the designers were criticized by the judges for not using enough actual candy in their designs. This seasons designers must have seen that episode, because (with the exception of the cast-off
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3 of the Season 4 candy designs |
I don't think any of us were really surprised at who went home this week. She was even second to last on last week's episode. What was Lantie even doing before she ended up cutting up an umbrella in the last few hours (minutes?) of the challenge?
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This week's losing garment |
If Lantie hadn't totally dropped the ball, I would have expected grandma to go this week - but she (and her dot candy apron/bustle combo) didn't even make the bottom three! Shocking! From the looks of next week's promo (where the designers must work in pairs) her partner does not seem to happy with her work. Can you believe that apron? Tim couldn't even find a nice way to say how awful it was!
My suspicions that Ven would end up being the villain of the season seem to be coming true. I really didn't want him to win this week, even though I actually didn't really like Sonjia's ocean-inspired jelly bean mini. I don't think Ven's stained-glass inspired look was really that great, either.
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This week's winner - Evil Ven |
The twins are still not getting along.
Have these people never seen cotton candy before?? The second I saw Kooan grabbing so many bags of it in the store I thought, "Don't you know it won't last long after you open it?" and then he started putting it on his garment the DAY BEFORE the runway show and Buffi even made a "bird's nest" hat out of it. OF course, they were both destroyed by the next morning.
I usually love the outfits Heidi wears when she comes out at the beginning of each episode to explain the challenge - but that plaid dress was just not flattering.
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Heidi in plaid |
I thought this was the week someone was supposed to leave the show. When that one girl burned her leg, I thought it might be her - or that it might be grandma when she got so upset about Tim's comments. I guess we have to wait at least another week, but according to an interview I read with Heidi, two of the designers quit or have a meltdown or just leave in the middle of the night or something. Heidi even called them "cowards."
What did you think of this week's episode? Let me know in the comments and, as always, I'll see you next week!
Finally, for every P.R. challenge, I like to sketch my own design. Here is mine from this week. Yes, I totally stole the who "stringing gumballs together" idea, but I would have stolen that on the show anyway.
Saturday, July 21, 2012
FYI: The Dad From The Cutting Edge
Hey! Did you know that the dad from The Cutting Edge is Locke from Lost with hair? FYI.
Friday, July 20, 2012
The Dark Knight Rises Review
I bought my tickets for The Dark Knight Rises (the conclusion to director Christopher Nolan's Batman trilogy) on Fandango on Tuesday. I had to pay some kind of $1.25 processing fee, but I also got to use something I'd never heard of before, a "mobile ticket" -- meaning, I didn't have to print out a paper ticket, I could just show my phone to the guy inside the theatre. I wasn't so excited that I wanted to go to a midnight screening, but wanting to see it in my relatively spoiler free state as soon as possible, and with Friday off of work, I signed up to see it at my local Southern California theatre at 9AM Friday morning. Then I woke up and turned on the news.
It was a little spooky going to the theatre to see TDKR after hearing about the shooting in Colorado last night. I kept looking at the emergency exit door during the movie (an usher can in at the beginning of the film to check and make sure it was secured). The trailer for "Gangster Squad" which shows men shooting into a movie theatre crowd was certainly in poor taste (I read afterwards that it has since been pulled). But I wasn't going to let some madman with a gun ruin my movie going experience!
The SPOILER-FREE Part of My Review:
Now, the film. I don't know how to describe it exactly, but it didn't really have the power to pull me in like Nolan's other Batman films. Bane was OK (his voice took some getting used to - it must have all been dubbed post-production, right? Could he even talk while shooting)? But Catwoman was great! I'm not a big Anne Hathaway fan, but her turn as Selina Kyle was the most fun part of this film. She gets some of the best fighting sequences, too. I also like Joseph Gordon Levitt as Blake, but I'm always a sucker for JGL. His first scene with Bruce Wayne cuts right to the chase in a way I found refreshing for a movie I knew going in was going to be almost three hours long. While Marion Cotillard was OK and everything, there didn't really seem to be much point in her being there - especially when she was an expert in doing things that Morgan Freeman could already do, but more on that later. I also really didn't really care for Matthew Modine's stupid pointless cop character.
Overall, I liked the film, but I wouldn't call it a must-see on the big screen. And now for...
The SPOILER-FILLED Part of My Review:
The best surprise for me was not at the end, but seeing Cillian Murphy back AGAIN as Dr. Crane! I was so excited to see him in the second film; this time was just as much of a fun surprise! He, like JGL, is a favorite of mine and is always great in everything he does.
So, as much as I wanted to stay spoiler-free going in, we pretty much all knew that Bane was bound to break Batman's back and/or kill him. We also knew Cotillard was probably going to be Talia Al Ghul. I mean, right?? It seems like some people thought Bruce Wayne would retire as Batman (or die, or be put in a wheelchair) and that JGL would take over the cowl, but I guess he's, what, Robin, right? That kind of makes sense because, well, he is little.
It seemed to me that the movie took place a year after the last film, but from what I have read, it is supposed to be eight years later. That seems like a lot.
Random thoughts:
- If you know anything about foreshadowing, the second they show those flashbacks of Alfred in Italy, you know exactly how the film is going to end, right? I mean, it's textbook.
- This movie was about some kind of clean power stuff, right? Also, did we really need the whole Liam Neeson/League of Shadows connection? Bane could have just been Bane, and Bruce Wayne did not need a sex scene. Random. But the guy playing young Liam Neeson did look a lot like a young Liam Neeson, I thought.
- How cool was the motorcycle stuff?! I loved the stock exchange guy with the douchey blue shirt/white collar on the back of the bike!
- I was glad to see Batman's big-ass-tired motorcycle back for this film (and Catwoman gets to ride it a lot) but I didn't really like the Bat Helicopter thing they used so much in this. It was really cartoonish compared to his other bat vehicles which, while strange, always kind of made sense in the they-are-military-prototypes sense. Was there even a Batmobile? No?
- When Catwoman stole Bruce Wayne's fancy sports car after the charity ball, did he ever get it back?? I don't remember.
- I recognized Hines Ward as one of the football players.
- Why did Alfred need to leave?
- I liked the airplane sequence at the beginning.
- Plus, it's always nice to see Nestor Carbonell's eyelashes.
Did you see it? What did you think? Don't want to see it? Why not? As always, feel free to leave your thoughts in the comments. Until next (bat) time!
Thursday, July 19, 2012
Project Runway Season 10 Live Blogging
Season 10 begins in Times Square, then we go back one day earlier and meet the first designer. Her name is Buffi.
Gunnar is next. Gunnar is also the name of a dog in my neighborhood. Wait, is his name Gunnar DEATH RAGE??
What is that Native American Blanket I see strewn across someone's dress form?
Gunnar explains that his customer is Cruella DeVille. That makes sense because half of his brown hair is dyed bleach blonde.
I guess for the first challenge each designer was supposed to bring one outfit they had already created. (They will probably have to, like, create the ball gown version of it or the dog outfit version or something). Gunnar's Cruella outfit is a simple flower print skirt and what looks like a white cape with a black collar (I don't think it is made out of puppies, though).
Lantie is the next designer. She is 38... I mean, 48.
There's a little Japanese guy with an Afro!
The guy from Brazil gives out hugs.
There's a chick with blue hair.
Elena says she designs for the "edgy girl" and her look is some kind of black straight jacket. So, yeah.
Afro guy's name is Kooan. That is not a real name. He says he likes making a lot of "love."
There is a blonde girl who is a lawyer. I didn't catch her name. She likes black, so much so that she watches black and white films and likes black and white photography. I can already tell that she will not get kicked off this episode - there must be a judging panel later where she just barely makes it and then they tell her they are tired of always seeing black and she MUST use color and then she overdoes it! Prediction!
Some guy named "Ven" or something made a white pant suit, but he isn't in the studio yet - it is obvious that he will be a villain. (Oh! His name IS Ven). The first thing he says is "I know the designers will be intimidated."
Tim comes in. Yay!
The Lord and Taylor accessory wall is new. I've never heard of them. I guess the winner will get to sell their line on that website or something?
There is some girl with long hair who makes a crazy face. They haven't shown her talking yet. I bet she gets kicked off.
Tim announces that they will have the runway show in Time Square. They get 30 minutes to sketch and then it is off to mood.
The chick who likes black is drawing a black dress.
The one with dreadlocks says she is a lesbian and likes to design for tomboys.
Ahh! The long hair girl just said designing comes naturally to her but "sewing not so much"! Now I KNOW she's getting kicked off first! AND she is the one with the native American blanket wrap thing over what looks like a heather gray night shirt. Her name is Beatrice.
SWATCH!! I love him!
Beatrice LOVES using knits... she is soooooo going to lose!!
The guy with the hat likes lace. He just said "this is the ugliest lace I have seen" but then it looks like he bought that lace. It IS really ugly. He's going to give Beatrice a run for her money.
The grandma is 58. She is a fashion teacher. I think she is going to lose, too, though.
Oh, whoops, there are two guys who look the same to me. One of them is Gunnar. They are fighting. One of them just said "This isn't Project Obnoxious" and called the Cruella outfit too Prada (it is). The other guy's name is Christopher. Gunnar says their personalities are similar - don't you notice that you are also twins except that half of your hair is blonde?
The lace guy is having trouble with his lace.
COMMERCIAL #1 : I'm typing too much. Now that I know most of their names, I'll take it a little easier.
The Brazilian guy says he eats out of the dumpster (no, really) and Grandma thinks that is "terrific."
There is a Russian guy who kind of looks like Marilyn Manson. He used to be a ballroom dancer. Grandma says he should be an actor with that face. Maybe he can star in a Marilyn Manson biopic!
The blue haired girl says she likes mixing the soft with the hard. Yawn.
Buffi's design looks gross. The Russian calls is "diarrhea." Tim does not seem too impressed either.
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This is the look she brought with her. |
The hat/lace guy's name is Raul. He now seems to me like the kind of guy who should get kicked off early, but will keep somehow just barely making it.
Tim is questioning the Brazilian guy's skirt, but I can tell he is not going to lose, they are just trying to throw us off - Beatrice for the lose!
COMMERCIAL BREAK #2 - Gary Cole stars as a serial killer in a Lifetime movie! Yikes!
I like the way Raul says "it's like... promdresses."
The mohawk girl doesn't really have a mohawk. Her name is Elena. She did the black straightjacket dress. She shows Tim the black and white dress she is making and then says, "What is worrying me is this... COLOR." And then they look at it. Is it me, or is there no color?
Ven's rose top does look really well made - M.K. will say it looks expensive.
Tim is worried that Raul's model will look naked in the lace dress.
Christopher wants to kiss Tim, but knows that is crazy. I think Christopher is my favorite twin.
Beatrice is having trouble sewing!
Gunnar does an impression of Tim ala Santino Rice. Remember "What happened to Andre"?? Christopher says Gunnar should be on Toddlers and Tiaras. The models come in and Christopher is having a lot of trouble. He can't get kicked off - I want to see more of the fighting twins!
ATLAS! The girls' room has weird pink and purple blank canvasses on the wall - a rare design miss for Atlas Apartments. I would still LOVE to live there, though.
COMMERCIAL BREAK #3 - the show is only half way over! I didn't realize it was an hour and a half!
It's the day of the runway show in Time's Square. They are not going to do the judging there, are they? I guess they will have to.
I forgot to say that since the assignment is to create a companion piece for the one they brought with them, each designer gets two models.
In the makeup room I see that Afro is wearing a headband made out of a big piece of rope with two googly eyes on it. The good news is he can actually speak Japanese! He's not a fake Japanese person despite his weird name.
Raul is the last designer to leave the room.
COMMERCIAL BREAK #4 - Congrats on the Emmy Nom P.R.!
The runway show begins.
Ven is first. The rose pantsuit looks really good, but the second look seems messy to me. He did what I would do, though! He took the one pop of color from the first look and made a mini dress in that color with a hint of the rose design on the bottom instead of the top!
Yeah, Beatrice is going to lose. I can't see anyone else's looks being this bad... maybe the lace dress? M.K. does not look impressed.
Lantie's prom dress looks overworked. She'll probably end up in the middle... wait - ouch! Her second look is awful!
Grandma did these weird black and white stripped dresses.
Christopher's black mini has a terrible zipper, but his gown looks perfect - is the fabric some kind of striped snakeskin?
Dreadlocks has a couple of OK Tomboy looks. They are well constructed, so she is probably safe.
Elena's dresses (the black and white ones) are also just OK.
Buffi's companion dress looks better than the outfit she brought with her... that is not a good sign. Do the judges know which is which? Probably not.
Dmitry did a sequin gown. Didn't he say he was done making ballroom dance outfits? Heidi looks like she maybe likes it, though.
Kooan's companion "dress" is a mess - it is made with this bubbly metallic fabric and is poorly constructed and puckering. The first look is well-made, though, so that should save him.
Gunnar's companion dress to the Cruella/Prada look is actually really cute! He might have a chance. The two looks really fit well together.
I don't know who this guy is and he has a green dress and a red dress and you can tell he is going to be in the middle, so they are not spending a lot of time on him this week.
Sonjia is the name of the blue-haired woman, I guess. She made a leather jacket and a leather vest. He second look is not the worst at all, but it looks a little thrown together at the last minute.
The black dresses are black. They look pretty good, but are all black. What will the judges say??
The lace looks look fine. I think.
The Brazilian guy's clothes are not that great. He calls it "wearable" and "comfortable" that is not a good sign.
So who will be in the bottom and the top?
The six designers called out are: Kooan (must be bottom), Ven (top), Lentie (I can't even remember her look), Christopher (top?), Beatrice (bottom), and Melissa of the Black dresses (top). I'm not sure if it's Lentie or Kooan in the bottom, but you know they are not going to throw a character like Kooan out on the first episode!
Well, Kooan is in the bottom, but he is safe. It comes down to Beatrice and Lentie with the awful snakeskin tulle disaster. They don't like her "vintage" dress either and say she is more of a stylist than a designer (ouch).
They LOVE Christopher's gown and they also like Ven (they don't seem to notice the problems with his little pink dress that I see).
Well, Beatrice is out and Christopher is the winner. I'd be happy I was right about Beatrice, except that it was really obvious she was going to lose. Now I'll have to go back and watch Road to the Runway (which is on my DVR) so I can see how she made it in the first place and who she beat out for that spot.
If you read the news, you know two of the designers (I think) turned out to be "cowards" (Heidi's words) and left the show - it looks like at least one of them is leaving next week - is it the not mohawk girl?? The challenge has something to do with candy, cars, and the Rockettes! Should be fun!!
I can't live blog every episode - it is so much work - but I'll be sure to put my thoughts up each week as soon as possible. Stay tuned and be sure to leave your own thoughts in the comments - do you think Ven was robbed? Were the judges too hard on Kooan? Was I?
Finally, for every P.R. challenge, I like to sketch my own design. I am in no way an artist or designer, as you can probably tell from my first sketch. It's easier for me to do challenges with strict limitations. Designing something that "shows who I am as a designer" is more difficult since I am not a designer. Anyway, here is my design for episode 1. Stay tuned for more!
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