Saturday, June 19, 2010

Goat Cam

The Fabulous Beekman Boys is a show I just found out about that is on the Green Channel (which I also just found out existed). Anyway, the show is about these guys on a farm, but really it's about GOATS! Even better... they have a GOAT CAM!

Don't waste your entire day now!

Monday, June 7, 2010

Paul McCartney on iTunes Update

To read my previous post about the mystery of Paul McCartney missing from iTunes, go here.

So, I recently spotted this article that states that Paul's back catalog is going to be re-released. It doesn't really explain why almost all of his solo albums are STILL not available (they used to be up but were taken down with no notice) but at least it's something.

Mission Impossible V: Rogue Nation

I am re-watching all of the Mission Impossible films. Here are my thoughts on MI:5: Why wasn't Jeremy Renner in Fallout? Does he die i...